New Crypto-currency for WNY
Buffalo Coin

Mining Tutorial
BuffaloCoin starts with no price, and no way to buy, so the only way to get coins is to mine them. The more computers mining, the less coins each miner gets.
First get your BuffaloCoin wallet here: (Currently the only wallet available. Android wallet coming soon!)
Includes windows and linux.
Mining Software:
(Your virus scan may be flagged by this file. Don't worry, it is a false positive, its just how the software works. Have some faith!)
command: minerd -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u {address here}
Example Command: minerd -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u BF1i4GdCapWkgJiEggMzepktCvETGJNoAs
Remember to put in your receiving address above, or else you will be mining for me! (Under Bitcoin Core, go to "Window ---> Receiving Addresses")
Also note - The mining pool pays out every 5 blocks, so you might not see funds in your account for up to 30-60 minutes.
Here is the block explorer (how you view transaction and mining data):
Each 25 BuffaloCoin mining payout is roughly divided by the number of users currently mining. The more users, the less coins each person receives. 25 computers mining means 1 coin per person per 25 min payout or ~2 coins per hour.
You can see how many users are currently mining here:
Good luck!